So, method1 is not reachable. Why ? C++ does not undertand that if I put Myclas into the namespace is because I want to access to any method of this class ?
The solution is to write namespace MYNM { and a } at the end of my file.h. So every is accessible.
I have read this article 3 times.
But .... I still does not know why I can have only a .h file ?
And does not understand what this article says about '
'h files are not compiled'
I'm a total c++ begginer and some concepts are beyond my comprehension.
If you #include multiple times a header which contains non-template and non-inlined function definitions ( such as in your case ) you'll get some function redefinition errors
By the moment I understand :
Write the proto in .h files and then the real code into c.files ?
(I really feel that it means write twice some things)