Thumper again: That doesn't seem like very hard math, though. Is it? I mean, you don't have to come up with the formulas yourself, you just have to remember them. Or is there more math that is harder? Or is it harder than it looks?
Many math books, at least some of the ones that I've seen, will give you basic formulas, but often times you don't need the basic formula, you need a modified formula or a more complex formula based on the basic formula, so in that sense you will have to come up with some of the formulas on your own. That is, again, reiterating what others have said, depending on what you are going to be programming.
For example a cryptography book i had once gave the formula for finding the inverse of a 2x2 matrix modulo m for a Hill Cipher. Unfortunately, the general formula for a NxN matrix is far more complex, and even though way back in the apendix this book did give the formula for finding the inverse of a NxN matrix, it was so confusing I needed to find a different book to explain it. So bottom line: the more math the merrier.
And getting back to the main question, if I can add to it I'd also like to ask what additional college level math courses are there that would prepare one for college? I already know about Discrete Math, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Alegebra etc, but what are some other courses that would be well suited for a computer programmer or scientist.
In various texts I have seen listed Discrete Structures, Fourier Analysis, Wave Theory, Complex Number Theory & Analysis, and a few others as being well suited for computer science (and a few for electrical & computer engineering), but apart from that I don't really know much about them. What are they about? Can anyone on here describe them and how they might be useful? And also I'd like to make a conjecture...Seeing 'Applied Combinatorics' listed in university mathematics listings and reading that it is about the 'mathematics' of counting, doesn't really let me know what its about... but I can only assume it has to do with permutations? Would it be helpful say, if I wanted to be able to determine how many valid sudoku puzzles there are, or say given a simple monoalphabetic substitution cipher such that no plaintext letter is mapped onto itself, what is the key size? Both are questions that at various times I have tried to solve.
For a sudoku the first line is 9!
the second line the first three cells are 6*5*4, then the next three might be 6*5*4, but depending on if the numbers in the first line second grid match any of the numbers of the second line first grid, it might be yada yada yada yada... and who knows what for the remainder of the sudoku.
and for a monoalphabeticsubstitution cipher of a 26 letter alphabet:
to ensure nontrivial keys you want no letter to be mapped to itself, and no letter to be mapped to the immediately preceeding or following letter. or for that matter no letter may be shifted by the same ammount of the letter to which it shifts, or which is shifted by.
Yes I know that last sentence doesn't make anysense, but I think you get the idea. And if you get the idea, that must mean that it does make sense.
Would that be something like:
25 (cannot be shifted to itself so 25 possibilities for the first letter) * 23 (If A = mapped to B, B cannot be mapped to A, and cannot be mapped to C (also cannot be mapped to B)) here is where it gets tricky
is it merely 25 * 23! or something else. because like the sudoku problem above I can't always determine how many possible permutations there are because the next product seems to be dependent on what some of the previous mappings are mapped to.
I hope someone can understand what I'm saying and can tell me what branch of mathematics it deals with. Also I hope I havn't veered off course and that the others on this forum will find this intriguing also.