Text RPG - Damage function (Random within range)

To try and further my knowledge with C++, I am currently working on a text RPG. Currently, I am working on a damage function which chooses a random integer within a range, defined by minimum and maximum variables. I've done a bit of searching, and have come across a few things, but most of it has been over my head, or I've had difficulty implementing it with min and max variables.

Any help or knowledge is gretaly appreciated, Thanks.
int random(int limit)
  return rand()%limit;

int random(int min,int max)
  return random(max-min+1)+min;
I am currently working on a text RPG.


Disch, you should count how many times you have linked to that article so far.
Thanks for your help guys. I would have searched a bit harder, but I was in school and in a hurry.

And thank you Disch. I thought the console would be the preferred choice for a text RPG, but I guess text-based games aren't that great at all.
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Hi Disch, actually it is not really that bad for a person to do a text-based RPG. His objective is to learn more about C++. Rather than writing code snippet to test understanding, he opt to have a "project" as his objective.

Of cuz if his intention is to make and sell his "project" then we would say to do gaming, the initial choice is not a good medium but if it is just for learning C++, I feel having a text-based RPG is not a sin afterall :)
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