Since this thread isn't about anything anymore, I might as well quote Duoas:
Duoas wrote: |
antidisestablishmentarianism |
I know a valid Dutch word that is probably more confusing (although it is not stated in our official dictionary, it's widely seen as a valid word - although being barely applicable in every day life):
~ Plural of the word that is used to indicate an exhibition of a specific type of tents.
Since I'm on strange words/sentences, I'll post these, too:
"Als vliegen achter vliegen vliegen, vliegen vliegen vliegen achterna."
It means something among the lines:
"If flies would chase flies, flies would fly behind flies."
"Wat was was voor was was was? Was."
"What was wax before wax was wax? Wax."
Dutch isn't hard at all. - big smile -