Switch problems

Is it possible to use a string as the variable checked in a switch statement?
I want to use it to check the command entered by a user and then call the appropriate function. I suppose an else if setup would work but I'm lazy. :P
No. Only integers.
I recently made a basic program using switch statement wherein the input must be determined if user's input is a vowel or a consonant. here is my code:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
Char fav;
Cout<< “Write your favorite letter in the alphabet:”;
Cout<<”Let me check if your favorite vowel is a consonant or a vowel.”;
Switch (fav)
Case ‘A’ || ‘a’: “Your favorite letter is a vowel. Thank you for using this program.”; break;
Case ‘E’ || ‘e’: “Your favorite letter is a vowel. Thank you for using this program.”; break;
Case ‘I’ || ‘I’: “Your favorite letter is a vowel. Thank you for using this program.”; break;
Case ‘O’ || ‘o’: “Your favorite letter is a vowel. Thank you for using this program.”; break;
Case ‘U’ || ‘u’: “Your favorite letter is a vowel. Thank you for using this program.”; break;
Default: “Your favorite letter is a consonant. Thank you for using this program.”; break;
Return 0;

My problem is what if the user input a number, it will still be deemed as consonant because of the default statement right? How would i know if the user's input is a character and not an integer? Can I present that case as : Case !sizeof (char): “You did not provide a letter. Thank you for using this program.”; break;?
Whoa whoa WHOA!

C++ is a case-sensitive language. De-capitalize all instances of "Char", "Main", "Clrscr", "Cout", "Cin", "Switch", "Case", "Default", "Getch", and "Return".

And... switches do not work quite like ifs.
Scroll down to the bottom.

And... in the future, could you make a separate thread? Thanks. ;)

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you can use the insertion operator to test. It's a little bit more complicated than what your doing, but it's a nice piece of code to have in your arsenal. Basically the & operator you can think of it as "the address of"
so "the address in memory of 'str'" so you just pass the string, put the char into a string first (not hard).
istringstream is a C++ class, you can look it up. and the insertion operator '>>' is pretty self explainitry.

This will return true if the string is an integer. False if it is a standard char.... but wait.

bool isInteger(string& str)
   int i;
   istringstream ss(str);
   return  ( ss >> i );

Now what if the character is any one of these:
~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & . ; ' " { } , [ ] ( ) * + = _- | \ / ?

If you need to put a string into an integer and test to see if it's valid at the same time:
bool isInteger(string& str, int& i)
   istringstream ss(str);
   return  ( ss >> i );
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