Appropriate library to use

Hey everyone,
I am not sure if it is write to state this but I have seen many different ways of coding on the documentation here it states to use:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
I have also seen the statement above with a .h after it indicating a header. And now I have purchased Bjarne Stroustrup's Principles & Practice Using C++ and he states to use #include :"std_lib_facilities.h"

which would you say to use? whilst opening xcode it automatically has #include <iostream>.

<iostream.h> is the old way
<iostream> is the standard way
"some header.h" is to get program specific headers
cheers bazz
I will learn both the standard <iostream> and then the header file.
Its just strange that there are two different ways to code the Hello world sequence the documentation here talks about using the namespace std; library for hello world and in Stroustrup book says about using "std_lib_facilities.h" which seems quite lengthly in words and could easily involve a syntax error due to misspelling.
I used that book. std_lib_facilities.h is a file available in Stroustrup's website. It's not a misspelling.
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