Array Problem

Names Forward: (Names)
Scores Forward: (Scores)
Names Reverse: (Names)
Scores Reverse: (Scores)
(#) results for (name)
Minimum: ...
Maximum: ...
Sum: .....
Average: ....
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Nice summation of your assignment, so what have you done?

What is your C++ question?

Just dumping your assignment and expecting someone to do the work for you is not a good start here.
Well at least the input file has been provided...

What is the 'array' problem? How much of this assignment have you managed. Have you done task 1)? Task 2) ? What is the C++ question?

If you post your current code then we'll be able to provide more guidance.

When posting code, don't forget to use code tags

// Code goes here

so that the code is readable.
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