Hello. i have drawn on note pad this picture of a black mage from final fantasy 1.
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|(_) (_) |\n
| /\n
/ \\n
/ |\n
/ / | |\n
|___/ |___|\n
\_/ \_/\n
| |\n
| |\n
| \__\n
How would i go about putting it in my program? (i don't mind modifying if necessary to remove certain characters, such as /
one of the simplest ways is that u jz draw inside ur program and compile it.
1 2
std::cout << " __\n"
will print
note that to keep '\' you have to turn it to '\\'
thankyou. it looks and works perfectly with this code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
cout << " ___ \n"
" ___///\\\\ \n"
" _///\\\\| \n"
" ___/////\\\\\\__\n"
" //////||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \n"
" |(_) (_) | \n"
" | / \n"
" \\______/ \n"
" / \\ \n"
" / | \n"
" / / | | \n"
" |___/ |___| \n"
" |_/ |_/ \n"
" | | \n"
" | | \n"
" | \\__ \n"
" /______________\\ \n\n";
which turns into this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
|(_) (_) |
| /
/ \
/ |
/ / | |
|___/ |___|
|_/ |_/
| |
| |
| \__
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If you need to create more cool ACSII stuffS from your images,Google for
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