I want some help, for having multithreading support I want to edit the program. The problem is below:
I had circuit-satisfactory program that would operate, this circuit included AND, OR, and NOT gates, from left side 16 inputs of 2^16=65,536 different combinations which can catch either 0 or 1.On right side the output tells about combination either is it capable to satisfy circuit or not. The goal is to shift the program into multithreaded version. Another demand we are facing is that we can only print out or sum up the combination, at this spot we have lower significant that is 1.
As the command-line argument programmer required a figure between 1 and 128. P thread is going to design which divide the 65,536 number. If p=3 then for 65,536/3 number of iterations thread will be accountable. Some threads can wind up with the addition of one iteration.
If the thread gets a combination which is capable to satisfy the circuit, it can printout combination, together with id of thread. Main thread will take out print of run time and total of combination in the end that will satisfy circuit.
When I take a start to work on this project, I face a barrier in finding out the way to divide various iterations among threads p-number. I also have doubt about designing thread in a different loop after that with 65,636/p-threads operate a loop. Suggestions will be appreciated.