This is for a program that uses structures to store data. customer[k] is the structure that holds data for customer at index k, and it is looking through the structure member customerName (a string) to find a string entered by the user (name) passed in from a different function. SIZE is the total amount of customer accounts possible, which is only 2.
the function findCustomer does exactly what it says: looks through the names stored for each customer to find a match for the search term input by the user, and displays what it finds (using a different function), or doesn't find.
I am trying to use a for loop to iterate through the two different customer 'files'. And then using an if statement, using .find() to... find what was searched for. It has to be able to look for full or partial matches, and has to be strings, not c-strings (so strstr is out of the question).
The issue is my if statement. It outputs the second if statement first (did the same thing when i had it as an 'else'), then the first one if it finds a match. If it does not find a match, it does what it's supposed to and only shows the second if statement.
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void findCustomer(string name)
for (int k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)
string existingName = customer[k].customerName;
if (existingName.find(name) != string::npos)
cout << "\n** Customer found! **" << endl;
cout << "\n** Info for customer #" << (k + 1) << " **" << endl;
cout << "\t----------\t" << endl;
if (existingName.find(name) == string::npos)
cout << "\n** No customer on file matches your search! **" << endl;
Okay, it's working a little better now. However it's still displaying the second if statement when it finds a match for the second user file. It displays how it should when it finds a match for the first user file, and how it should when it finds no matches.
It's really weird and I'm not entirely sure why it would be doing that.
I didn't want to post the entire code because it is pretty long and I figured no one would read it, besides the rest of the program works perfectly. The loop in this function is the only issue I am having. I tried to explain and give context for what the variables are but if you want me to show you all of the code for some reason, I guess I can.
if you want me to show you all of the code for some reason
What do you mean, "for some reason"? You were talking about a problem you were having with your program finding matches in some "second file". I was explaining that you haven't shown us any code that might be relevant to that, so we can't help you with it.
I'm sorry, I didn't think I would have to show more than where I'm having the issue since the rest of it works how it should. I'm new to this. I wouldn't have posted if I didn't want help.
So, like I said this uses structures. There's no actual 'files', I just say that for lack of a better term.
int main()
cout << "This program allows you to enter, edit, display, and" << endl;
cout << "search for the information of 2 different customers." << endl;
int choice;
int customerNum = 0;
bool cont = true;
displayMenu(); // Function that literally just displays menu options 1-5.
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1: // Option 1 displayed from menu is the ability to add a new customer account.
if (customerNum < SIZE)
cout << "Please enter customer #" << (customerNum + 1) << "'s information." << endl;
cout << "\t----------\t" << endl;
case 2:
// Omitted, irrelevant; lets user enter a customer account number for the account
// they want to edit info for, then calls enterCustomer(customerNum), works perfect.
case 3:
//Omitted, irrelevant, calls displayCustomer(customerNum); function to display all
// existing customer accounts, works perfect.
case 4: // This is where the issue could be, option 4 is to search for a customer by
// name, then displaying their info from inside the function.
string findName;
cout << "\nEnter the full or partial name of the customer # you want to find: ";
getline(cin, findName);
case 5: // Option 5, quits program
cout << "\nThank you for using this program." << endl;
cont = false;
cout << "\n** Please make a valid selection! **" << endl;
} while (cont == true);
return 0;
Then of course is the function I'm having an issue with.
Unfortunately not, because I need to be able to search for a partial match of a name. Say the user wants to search for an account with a name that contains 'St', they enter that and it gets stored in the string findName in main(), then passed to findCustomer() as the string name. the structure customer, and it's member customerName (hence customer[k].customerName, where k is the customer number) it pulled up if there is a match.
Also wouldn't having the "not found" message outside the if statement still just display both if it does find a match? (I haven't tried this either because of the issue with the if statement itself).
Just tried your code, unfortunately it didn't work as I intended and actually displayed the "not found" message twice before the found message instead of once, so that's an odd thing. But it did make me think of something...
Interestingly, when I do this (commenting out second if statement):
void findCustomer(string name)
bool found = false;
for (int k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)
string existingName = customer[k].customerName;
if (existingName.find(name) != string::npos)
found = true;
cout << "\n** Customer found! **" << endl;
cout << "\n** Info for customer #" << (k + 1) << " **" << endl;
cout << "\t----------\t" << endl;
/*if (!found)
cout << "\n** No customer on file matches your search! **" << endl;
it works perfectly, aside from not displaying a message when it doesn't find anything.
When I comment it back in, the "not found" message displays before the "found" message only if the match is found at customer[1].customerName, and does not display the "not found" message when a match is found at customer[0].customerName.
I suppose I could just go without the "not found" message entirely, and that would solve the issue. But I really would like it to at least say something. I feel like the solution is probably very simple but somehow I'm just not seeing it.
void findCustomer(string name)
bool found = false;
int customerFound;
for (int k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)
string existingName = customer[k].customerName;
if (existingName.find(name) != string::npos)
found = true;
customerFound = k;
if (found == true)
cout << "\n** Customer found! **" << endl;
cout << "\n** Info for customer #" << (customerFound + 1) << " **" << endl;
cout << "\t----------\t" << endl;
cout << "\n** No customer on file matches your search! **" << endl;
The problem was that as it was searching, if it found a match it would display the info for what it found, and if the second index did not match, it would run through the loop and display the "not found" message. Makes perfect sense in hindsight but... oh well.
yea you can clean it a little, but that is good work. Removing the extra string and unnecessary bool: note that 0 is false. note that you need k+1 anyway, as the goal is a print.
line 9 would be a lot of slowdown from copying if you kept it your way and did a large number of entries (size very large). it could have been a reference, if you find the long access cumbersome (say you needed to talk about it 20 times instead of just once)
Oh awesome! I’ll have to try that. Looks so much better, I had seen people do this sort of thing that way but was unsure of myself in applying it. I would have used reference variables but since the program only needs two customer accounts (and since my understanding is poor to begin with) I figured it would be ok to bypass that this time around.
Also thanks for the tip about endl, I WAS using \n and my professor (who doesn’t even actually teach at all and answers emails only once every two weeks, hence why I’m here…) took points off my last program and told me to use endl. :P Frustrating.