Outputting multiple lines in file.
Oct 3, 2021 at 3:31pm UTC
write_account() should input those lines in "account.dat" file when accessing create_account() in class account.
I want to simply input multiple arguments of create_account() in "account.dat" file and display them on screen using display_sp() and show_account().
file.write() is it wrong? want to do this in binary, if possible?
I'm stuck at (file.good) error.
Please, ignore extra case of deposit.
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class account{
int accno;
char name[50];
int deposit;
char type;
public :
void create_account();
int repacno();
void dep(int );
void show_account();
void account::create_account()
cout<<"\nEnter Account No.\n" ;
cout<<"\nAccount Holder Name: \n" ;
cin.getline(name, 50);
cout<<"\nChoose type of account: CURRENT/SAVING (C/S) :\n" ;
cout<<"\nEnter initial amount to deposit\n" ;
cout<<"\nAccount created....\n" ;
void account::dep(int x){
void account::show_account(){
cout<<"\nAccount no.\n" <<accno;
cout<<"\nHolder name:\n" ;
cout<<"\nbalance:\n" <<deposit;
int account::repacno(){
return accno;
void write_account();
void display_sp(int );
int main()
int choice;
int num;
do {
cout<<"\n\n MAIN MENU\n" ;
cout<<"\n1) create account\n" ;
/*cout<<"\n2) deposit\n";*/
cout<<"\n2) Enquiry\n" ;
cout<<"\n3) EXIT>>\n" ;
switch (choice)
case 1: write_account();
break ;
/*case 2: cout<<"\nEnter acc. no.\n";
deposit_money(num );
case 2: cout<<"\nEnter acc. no.\n" ;
break ;
case 3: cout<<"\nthanks\n" ;
break ;
default : cout<<"\ndefault\n" ;
break ;
}while (choice!=3);
return 0;
void write_account()
account ac;
ofstream file;
file.open("account.dat" , ios::binary| ios::out| ios::app);
file.write((char *) &ac, (sizeof (account)));
if (!file.good()) {
cout << "Error occurred at writing time!" << endl;
void display_sp(int n){
account ac;
bool flag=false ;
fstream file;
file.open("account.dat" ,ios::binary| ios::in);
if (!file)
cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..." ;
return ;
cout<<"\nBALANCE DETAILS\n" ;
while (!flag && file.read((char *)&ac, sizeof (account)))
if (ac.repacno() == n) {
flag = true ;
if (!flag)
cout << "\n\nAccount number does not exist" ;
Last edited on Oct 3, 2021 at 4:23pm UTC
Oct 3, 2021 at 3:57pm UTC
L101. You can't test if an error occurred after you have closed the file! Once the file is closed then the file is always not good!
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
constexpr size_t maxNam {50};
class account {
int accno {};
char name[maxNam] {};
int deposit {};
char type {};
public :
void create_account();
int repacno() const ;
void dep(int );
void show_account();
void account::create_account() {
cout << "\nEnter Account No.\n" ;
cin >> accno;
cout << "\nAccount Holder Name: \n" ;
cin.getline(name, maxNam);
cout << "\nChoose type of account: CURRENT/SAVING (C/S) :\n" ;
cin >> type;
cout << "\nEnter initial amount to deposit\n" ;
cin >> deposit;
cout << "\nAccount created....\n" ;
void account::dep(int x) {
deposit += x;
void account::show_account() {
cout << "\nAccount no. " << accno;
cout << "\nHolder name: " << name;
cout << "\nbalance:\n" << deposit;
int account::repacno() const {
return accno;
void write_account();
void display_sp(int );
int main() {
int choice {};
int num {};
do {
cout << "\n\n MAIN MENU\n" ;
cout << "\n1) create account\n" ;
/*cout<<"\n2) deposit\n";*/
cout << "\n2) Enquiry\n" ;
cout << "\n3) EXIT>>\n" ;
cin >> choice;
switch (choice) {
case 1:
break ;
/*case 2: cout<<"\nEnter acc. no.\n";
deposit_money(num );
case 2:
cout << "\nEnter acc. no.\n" ;
cin >> num;
break ;
case 3:
cout << "\nthanks\n" ;
break ;
default :
cout << "\ndefault\n" ;
break ;
} while (choice != 3);
return 0;
void write_account() {
account ac;
ofstream file("account.dat" , ios::binary | ios::out | ios::app);
file.write((char *)&ac, (sizeof (account)));
if (!file)
cout << "Error occurred at writing time!\n" ;
void display_sp(int n) {
account ac;
bool flag {};
fstream file ("account.dat" , ios::binary | ios::in);
if (!file) {
cout << "File could not be open !! Press any Key..." ;
return ;
cout << "\nBALANCE DETAILS\n" ;
while (!flag && file.read((char *)&ac, sizeof (account)))
if (ac.repacno() == n) {
flag = true ;
if (!flag)
cout << "\n\nAccount number does not exist" ;
Last edited on Oct 3, 2021 at 4:16pm UTC
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