Classes intermediate exercises

Okay so I`m not new to programming, I used PASCAL in school (waste of time i know), I`ve learned c++ on my own for the past 5 months or so, I know the basic stuff like things in this topic :

I did all the exercises there, they were awesoooome.

Now I`m getting into classes and I need some exercises for that. If you could please help me out :D Thanks.
You can solve the Dungeon Crawl exercise in an OO way
a general class to describe anything on the grid,
a derived class to describe something that can move
a derived class to describe the player

You can try rewriting some part of the standard library ( eg: a string, a linked list )
Thank you Bazzy.

The Dungeon Crawl inspired me into doing some sort of pacman game .... using one class that holds all the game.

I did a grid of NMAX x NMAX (tested with NMAX = 25) , generated random numbers for all the grid , added borders using | and _ , then i set the player to grid[1][1] and the user can use the num keys like arrows

5 << up
1 2 3 << left << down << right

then i added a score which is printed right after the grid. It works perfectly, I`m so proud of it :D

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Any more ideas ? Anyone ? :D
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