I am currently trying to draw a bunch of lines in a empty SDL window.
I am having diffeculties constructing my DrawLine function so that it will place the pixel in the correct approximate place where the line is going. For horisontal & vertical lines its not a herculean task, but i am having problems in defining the content of my loops within DrawLine.
I am aware of the Bresenham's line algorithm, my problem thereafter is understanding the consept.
Here goes my thoughts so far;
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void DrawLine(SDL_Surface *screen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsignedint color)
int i,j;
for (i=x1; i<x2; i++)
for(j=y1; j<y2; j++)
if // some statement that determines j & i are infact on line
SetPixel(screen, i, m, color);
Now, what i am asking here is wheter or not you can describe the thought prossess behind how to determin where to SetPixel. I am aware of the more complex versions of this function to allow more versetile coordinates for drawing the acctual line.
I am hoping you could shed some light on this issue for me, if you have the time and patience. I am a fast learner, but i just gotta get it right first.
Thats freaking brilliant mate! Absolutly a valid way to draw a line with c in SDL, since this has seemingly no restrictions to in the code to wheter its horrisontal, vertical or diagonal.
This is something i'm absolutly going to remember. Thank you.