Something has to be wrong with either the administrator header or cpp file but I am at my wits end. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great.
I'm a complete newbie using Visual Studio Code. Honesty I'm a little sorry for the post, if I would have done more research on how linking files works with C++, then all of this would have been avoided.
For anyone else that might have this issue, I had better luck using codeblocks with all of my files in a single project instead of using Visual Code Studio that makes running multiple c++ files a hassle.
vs code is a poor tool. Try the real visual studio (2019 current) and it is much better about project management etc. It takes some getting used to maybe, but it makes sense once you understand that a top level build may have multiple projects (say, 3 dlls and 1 program) so you have an extra layer on simple programs (say for just the 1 program) that seems off at first.