Help with math functions

Background info: for every win is 5 points, every tie is 2 points, every loss is 0 points.
i am trying to make a function that would add up all the points.
the function I am trying to get help on is TeamScore::getpoints()
// Mutator functions
void TeamScore::updateWins()
void TeamScore::updateTies()
void TeamScore::updateLosses()

// Get Functions
string TeamScore::getName()
return teamName;

int TeamScore::getNum_wins()
return num_wins;

int TeamScore::getNum_ties()
return num_ties;

int TeamScore::getNum_losses()
return num_losses;
int TeamScore::getPoints()
int totalPts = (num_wins * 5) += (num_ties * 2) += (num_losses * 0);
return totalPts;
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Use +, not +=.

+= has a different meaning. In particular, neither (num_wins * 5) nor (num_ties * 2) can appear on the left hand side of +=.
when i used + it comes of '+': result of expression not used
What does TeamScore::getPoints() look like after the change?
Hello ellgoose,

PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button), to the right of this box, when posting code.

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I found the second link to be the most help.

It would be helpful to have the class and enough code to compile and test.

Hello ellgoose,

After guessing at the missing code and after making the changes that helios mentioned I get this output.

team 1's total points are 31  // <--- Original values.

team 1's total points are 36  // <--- After adding 1 win.

 Press Enter to continue:

The new function is:
int TeamScore::getPoints()
    //int totalPts = (num_wins * 5) + (num_ties * 2)/* + (num_losses * 0)*/;

    //return totalPts;

    return (num_wins * 5) + (num_ties * 2);

There is no need to go through all that work when 1 line will do. "(num_losses * 0)" it does not matter the value of "num_losses" is. Anything * 0 is always zero. You are wasting your time to put this in the calculation. But it makes no difference if you feel that it is needed.

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