(S)crappy Genetic Algorithm! Visualise solving Styblinski–Tang function
This is the Scrappy GA algo. A quick and dirty GA written to be used for Injecting a Deep NN with Wgt and Topology updates.
It has quite a few functions that arnt used in the demo.
There are 2 functions that are viewable on the Glut interface.
I hope this GA is useful not least for its simplicity
1. random genes for each individual in population
2. select proportional to fitness 2 individuals using roullete or rank
3. Breed with crossover and mutate the offspring using probability
4. Replace parents if offspring is fitter
5. Repeat 2-4
Simple. Ive added some elitest features.
We are using 1 point crossover (look it up its the simplest)
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void crossover(int job1, int job2){ //Crossover 2
int point;
//int temp[size_];
for(int l=0;l<len;l++){
point = rand()%size_;
for(int i=0;i<point;i++){
for(int j=point;j<size_;j++){
The bin2dec function is a way to convert a binary string into a decimal
number. (Actually its not a string but an array of 0/1's)
There is a good bin2dec on [url=
Ive just added some scaling for each problem.
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void bin2dec(data* dt,double lower,double upper){
double dec=0;
double val;
double sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
for(int j=0;j<len;j++){
val =1;
for(int i=size;i>0;i--){
if(gene[j][i] == 1){
dec += val;
val *=2;
} }
Here is the Scrappy_GA code :