If have two values, a female value and a male value that both equals 10, so 10 females and males, and two of them mate and create a kid, and I put something like
and then another if statement saying if kid_count++ and then if that is true kids_age++, and treat each kid as if they were an individual with each having their own age from the time they were born. Is there a way i could achieve that with incrementing?
What are you trying to do here? (x <= y || x >= y || x == y) is an expression that cannot possibly be false, if x and y are numbers.
Anyway, it seems like you need a Person class.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
class Person{
bool sex;
int age = 0;
Person(bool sex): sex(sex){}
Person(const Person &) = default;
Person &operator=(const Person &) = default;
void advance_age(){
bool can_breed() const;
static Person breed(const Person &a, const Person &b);
Thank you, with my program I was taking a more of a procedural approach because I didn't fully understand classes yet, but that's fine. The x and y thing just worked and made sense to me , just saying if there were more or less females than males that they would still breed, probably not the best solution though.