Change windows taskbar Icon background color

I want to set my program task icon background color to red indicating an error has occurred.

Like in the pic in this link:

I have been told that I have to call win32 api but haven't yet found it.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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It requires more work than what I was expecting though.

Thank you.
You can use the system() function in <stdlib.h>, like so:
system ("color 3");

Here's a list of color codes:

Hope this helps!

Note: these are for Windows only; they will not work on a Mac, Unix, or Linux, as as far as I know. For those, you will need to use commands specific to your OS.
@agent max

system ("color 3"); is for console text. it doesn't relate to the question in the op.

see for what I wanted to achieve
Ah, I see. I don't have Windows, so I couldn't test it. Sorry about that, I thought it might be what you were looking for. I have no idea how to do that, either on Windows or macOS.

But good luck!
@agent max

Thanks anyway.
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