Style programs

How can I make the visual aspect of programs instead of only being able to debug and get the cmd-box. I mean to creat an actual program with buttons and stuff. I have been searching my ass of trying to figure it out but I just can't find any useful info. Is it a special template I have to download or something?
There are many ways of achieving this; you need to use a GUI library.
Great, thank you very much! Can you recommend any?

There's plenty out there, all that searching you did must have been when you didn't know the correct term. ;)
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Yea, I guess I'll find one. But I did search and I saw it was a bunch of different ones so I thought I could need some advice on which is better. I guess I'll go for wxWidgets?
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If you're interested in some hard-core windows programming, check out the Win API. Not an easy undertaking to learn, but (I think) worth it.
Google for forger's win32 API tutorials-----:) i dont remember link.
Thanks, I'll check out Win API
I think this is the link Mazd was referring to.

Good luck!
wxWidgets is like WinAPI only easier and crossplatform.

go with wx.

Qt is another popular option.
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