Hangman program

Pages: 12
Thanks a lot! That website was really helpful in figuring out what C++20 stuff is supported by my compiler (Apple clang). Unfortunately, it's not a lot, I have version 10.0.0, which is apparently pretty old. Dang, some of that stuff looks pretty cool, though! I need to get a newer version...

What exactly is std::find? Is it included in one of the standard C++ libraries? The function with auto return type looks pretty similar to a function template, only it won't accept strings.

@Furry Guy,
Eh, well, I have a Mac so I can't use Visual Studio.
std::find - Part of C++ since at least C++98. See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/find/

VS2019 is available for the Mac, but it only supports C#, F#, Razor, HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, XAML, and XML and NOT C/C++. Ahhh....

Yep, I know they have a version for Mac but yeah, like you said it doesn't support C++ which is kind of stupid considering that C++ is the WORLD'S MOST POPULAR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE, MICROSOFT!!!!! HINT HINT!!

But naturally they would make it so you have to buy Microsoft computers in order to use it. Not a big deal though, I have used Visual Studio and like 99% of all Microsoft software, it is huge, slow, and full of unnecessary menus and other crap that requires a 40-page manual just to figure out the basics.

Sorry for the rant, but I just have never liked the Windows environment, and it beats me why everyone wants to use their products. Ok, yes it's cheap, but like they say, you get what you pay for. (Which is why I have a several-thousand-dollar PowerMac ;)

Back to our subject, that std::find algorithm looks vaguely familiar...I may have used it in a previous program or something. Or maybe it was std::search. Anyway, I recall I couldn't get it to work right. Maybe I'll try it again, give it another chance.

Anyway, thanks, @seeplus!
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Pages: 12