Text color in C++

I'm new to C++, and I'm making a text game, where I want the text to be orange. The problem is that I can't figure out how to make it orange.
I've looked on many c++ pages source codes, but none of them wrote how to make the text orange.
I figured out that in CMD, when you enter "Color ?", but there are only 10 colors, and none of them are orange.

Can anyone tell how to solve this problem?

- Jan

console has 16 colors and orange is not one of them.
system("Color C"); is a light red color, its not exactly orange,but I'm not aware of any other way to change colors
hamsterman!-Can you show me sample of changing to one of 16 console color. ?
for "system("Color C");" my question to
got answer.
What about background color,guys?
No problem.. I'm glad this forum has a part dedicated to beginners
Google is your best friend... http://ss64.com/nt/color.html
Thanks i tried this, it work :)
system("color fc");
Thanks again for best link...
No problem I just hope ou pay around with text games for a while, but can eventually learn some graphics programming
system("color fc") will set the color of all text on the screen.
To change the color of specific text use http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686047(v=VS.85).aspx (if you use windows)
here's a topic where there's a better explanation (I believe from hamsterman) about how to change the background colour: http://cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/25985/
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