Potentiometers vs Rheostats

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Hey Everyone,

This is a little off topic. I found an earlier post http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/247175/ on this forum discussing how a potentiometer works.

I wanted to know if anyone might know the difference between a potentiometer and a rheostat? I read through this article https://www.derf.com/rheostat-overview-article-and-video-explanation/ but it didn't explain the different thoroughly.

Anyway since everyone is technical I thought I would have some luck asking.. even though its EE focus rather than CS. Any help would be great !
Hello chipresistor122,

A Google search "the difference between a potentiometer and a rheostat" produced this: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=the+difference+between+a+potentiometer+and+a+rheostat

This will work better than all I have forgotten about electronics.

Either found what he needed or did not like my answer.

chipresistor122 wrote:

Write your question here.

Hey Everyone,

This is a little off topic. I found an earlier post http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/247175/ on this forum discussing how a potentiometer works.

I wanted to know if anyone might know the difference between a potentiometer and a rheostat? I read through this article https://www.derf.com/rheostat-overview-article-and-video-explanation/ but it didn't explain the different thoroughly.

Anyway since everyone is technical I thought I would have some luck asking.. even though its EE focus rather than CS. Any help would be great !

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