I made a "Guess the secret word game" in a do-while loop but every time you try again the secret word changes. It worked but, My problem is that every time I stop the program and run it again the secret word is still the same it only changes when I try it again.
When I run the program the secret word is "Micheal De Santa" when I stop the program and run it again it is still the same, It only changes when I lose or win and I try it again on the do-while...
For your header file yo do not need "<stdlib.h" and "<time.h>" because you are using the C++ versions which are better.
On line 23 you are using "rand()" to choose, but you did not seed the RNG with "srand" before you use "rand". This will always generate the same numbers in the same order.
Add srand(static_cast<unsignedint>(time(nullptr))); before your first call to "rand".
while (::tolower(rerun_option) == 'y');. This may work, but put the "std" at he beginning like you have everywhere else.
If you are going to use the C library rand() function you need to seed the random number generator with srand(). One time before you generate a random number. Preferably near the top of your main function. https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/numeric/random/srand
Without seeding the PRNG you will get the same sequence.