testing two objects as equal?

is there a way to test to see if i can test if two objects of the same types equal each other, like if say i have a class:

class Fraction
Fraction(int n, int d);
void setNumerator(int set);
void setDenominator(int set);
int getNumberator();
int getDenominator();
int numerator;
int denominator;

and i want to test if two fraction objects are equal, is there a way i can set things up so i can do this:

//make to fraction objects
Fraction number1 = {1, 2};
Fraction number2 = {1, 2};
//test see if the two fractions are the same
bool isSame = number1 == numbers;
std::cout << isSame;

or am i stuck doing it like this

//make to fraction objects
Fraction number1 = {1, 2};
Fraction number2 = {1, 2};
//test see if the two fractions are the same
bool isSame = false;
if((number1.getNumberator()== number2.getNumberator())&& (number1.getDenominator() == number2.getDenominator())
isSame = true;
std::cout << isSame;

You can overload the equality operator.


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Also, there's lots of scope within that assessment to avoid more factorization. If two fractions are equal then their product (oops, 'divide', 'inverse' or 'cross' that is) will be 1, and their difference will be 0 and their sum will be twice both of them.
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difference and sum would likely do some sort of common denom logic. cross product == 1 is probably fastest.
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