hey thank you for fast response
can u tell me how that for loop works ?
You may want to look up Ranged Based Loops. But basically it iterates through a container (a std::string in this case) one element at a time.
For a different take:
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#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
const char* rparm = ")]}";
const map<char, char> brkts {{'(', rparm[0]}, {'[', rparm[1]}, {'{', rparm[2]}};
int main()
stack<map<char, char>::const_iterator> ms;
string input;
bool bad {};
getline(cin, input);
for (char c : input)
if (auto fd = brkts.find(c); fd != brkts.end())
if (!ms.empty()) {
if (ms.top()->second == c)
} else
if (strchr(rparm, c) != NULL) {
bad = true;
if (!ms.empty() || bad)
cout << "\nParentheses don't match\n";
cout << "\nParentheses match\n";
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#include <cassert>
char const* group(char const* s, char closer = '\0')
if (!s) return nullptr;
if (*s == ')' || *s == '}' || *s == ']' || *s == '\0')
return (closer == *s)? s: nullptr;
if (char inner = (*s == '(')? ')': (*s == '{')? '}': (*s == '[')? ']': '\0')
s = group(s + 1, inner);
return s? group(s + 1, closer): nullptr;
int main()
assert( group(R"()"));
assert( group(R"(())"));
assert( group(R"(((()([][{{abc}}]))))"));
assert( group(R"({[]})"));
assert( group(R"((abc))"));
assert(! group(R"((])"));
assert(! group(R"([{}]])"));
assert(! group(R"({}{)"));
assert( group(R"(()[])"));
assert( group(R"(()[]{}())"));
assert( group(R"((a)b[]{}()cd)"));
assert(! group(R"({)"));
assert( group(R"({ { [ ] } } )"));
assert(! group(R"({{{ })"));
assert(! group(R"(})"));
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A bit of a problem is that it recurses on non-parens, so "{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}" goes 27 levels deep.
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
bool check( const string &input, int &np )
const string LR = "([{)]}";
np = 0;
stack<int> stk;
for ( int p = input.find_first_of( LR ); p != string::npos; p = input.find_first_of( LR, p + 1 ) )
int q = LR.find( input[p] );
if ( q < 3 )
stk.push( q );
else if ( q < 6 )
if ( stk.empty() || q - 3 != stk.top() ) return false;
return stk.empty();
int main()
int np;
string expr;
cout << "Enter an expression: "; getline( cin, expr );
if ( check( expr, np ) ) cout << "Matched with " << np << " pairs\n";
else cout << "Doesn't match";
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