address assignation to pointers

I want to share some data (int var) between two application app0 and app1.

The app0 calls app1 thrugh a CreateProcess, being one of the parameters a string containing the memory address of the data which I want to share (strVar = & var).

However when I assign the addres of var to a new pointer in app1 (int * pvar1), although they point to the same memory address (pvar1 == & var), the variables are not the same (*pvar1 != var). Instead, what I obtain in *pvar1 is a very high number which I assume is an error.

Should this operation work or the fail is what you would expect in this kind of botch?

Thank you and kind regards

closed account (z05DSL3A)
To share 'live' data between applications you need to use a form of Inter-process communication (IPC).
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