I get the idea of how this work but I don't really understand how did it bring the information by using printDouble(num);
int num {getvaluefromuser()} would go to first int getvaluefromuser. Then back to printdouble(num);
printdouble(num); go to void printdouble and it'll get value with * 2.
so my question did the (num): bring the value from void printDouble(int value) because the (num) would refer to (int value) in void part?
Im confuse where exact thing go from there to there.
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#include <iostream>
int getValueFromUser()
std::cout << "Enter an integer: ";
int input{};
std::cin >> input;
return input;
void printDouble(int value) // This function now has an integer parameter
std::cout << value << " doubled is: " << value * 2 << '\n';
int main()
int num { getValueFromUser() };
return 0;
I need to understand of where step to step it goes.
step 1... int num {getValueFromUser()};
step 2... cout << "etc" then get input/
step 3... return input to int main()
step 4... printDouble(num); .. that where I'm lost.
I suspect
step 4...(int value) would refer to int num then
step 5...printDouble(num)
step 6...then it sent to int getValueFromUser().