Simple game in C++


I' am not a C++ very big newbie( but of course I'm in my beginnings). By the end of this holyday I hope I will have finished this book -

So asuming that I have all the knowledge from this book, which let's say simply covers the basics about the C++ core and STL, what should I start learning after that if I wonna try to make a simple game in C++.

Are there some proper tutorials online with whose you have some experience? If yes, would you be so kind please and paste some links here?

Thx very much (:
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It's doubtful you will be at the skill level required to start doing this, as studying in depth data structures and such is much more beneficial stepping stone before moving onto games.

There are many dedicated books to games programming from beginner to intermediate.
Researching the API from any open or closed source Games engine, will be where you want to go after this... DarkGDK, OGRE, VALVE's engines, Unreal engine, etc.. depends what you want to use.
Start small. Pick up a 2d API and start working. I recommend SDL (C) or SFML (C++).
i agree SDL is a good starting point and its also well supported
Hello there, as a junior game developer i can give you the advice to start with simple console games like Tic tac toe. If you want to use a GUI i recommend HGE Haaf's game engine it's really good.

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