I was able(with a lot help from the forum) to implement SFINAE in my std::list implementation.
But in that time I couldn't use concepts so now that I can I don't know how.
I saw may examples with concepts and I get the examples fine.
But didn't find any that would constrain a template to be of type input_interator only and I can't seem to figure it out.
This is the stripped down version of the code that I want to replace with concept.
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template <typename T>
class List
template <typename Iter>
using required_input_iterator = std::enable_if<std::is_base_of_v<std::input_iterator_tag,
typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category >>;
template<typename InputIterator, typename = required_input_iterator<InputIterator>>
List(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
How can I achieve the above with concepts?
Also I tried to use some examples of concept I found inside a class and they don't work
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class Test
template <typename T>
concept integ = std::is_integral_v<T>;
It throws this error:
[code]error: concept 'integ' not in namespace scope|
"unnecessarily" as in It's much like if you were to do std::ostream& MyCoolCout = std::cout;, and then write all output in your program with MyCoolCout << "hello world\n";.
Such an alias It doesn't add anything.
But doing the way you said would need to write template<typename II> requires std::input_iterator<II> every time I need to constrain a template to only use std::input_iterator, wouldn't it be easier to just create the concept like I did?
std::input_iterator is already the concept you're looking for.
Both template <std::input_iterator T> void f();
and template <RequiresInputIterator T> void f();
behave the same.