for (int i = k; i < n; i = i + m)
From the above loop, there are three facts taken! I have understood the first one. But Can't understand the rest of 3. Can anyone explain those? I think that "/" here means "OR" .Thanks! Here are those:
1)The initialization statement, i = k, is executed one time.
2)The condition, i < n, is executed (n – k) / m + 1 times.
3)The update statement, i = i + m, is executed (n – k) / m times.
4)Each of statement1 and statement2 is executed (n – k) / m times.
I am gonna run it with starting values
m= 1
n = 10
With this (i < n) should be executed 6 times(after the 5th iteration, i < n condtion will still be checked) that means that (i<n) should run : k+1 times.
But yes! The increment and in loop statement are making sense. 10-5/1 = 5 ...they both should run 5 times. .....but not getting the i<n statement!
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
int main()
int k{ 5 }, n{ 10 }, m{ 1 };
for (int i = k; i < n; i = i + m)
std::cout << "\n i = " << i << '\n';
std::cout << " n = " << n << '\n';
// The next line may not be needed. If you have to press enter to see the prompt it is not needed.
//std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); // <--- Requires header file <limits>.
std::cout << "\n\n Press Enter to continue: ";
return 0; // <--- Not required, but makes a good break point.
Andy yes! The inside loop statements are executing 5 times. Which is fine. But I am talking about the i< n statement. My professor says that "condition check" statement executes 1 extra time. So that must be (n-k+1) times.
include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
int main()
int k {5}, n {10}, m {1};
int cond = 0;
for (int i = k; (std::cout << "cond :" << ++cond << '\n') && i < n; i = i + m)
std::cout << "\n i = " << i << '\n';
std::cout << " n = " << n << '\n';
This shows the number of times the condition is executed.
In all my years of working with for loops I have never thought about how mane times the condition is checked, but more concerned about how many times it is "true".
I think I have just accepted that the last time the condition is check and becomes "false" I do not think about counting that time.
I see your point and I think that (n - k + 1) should be correct.
Although it works one change I would consider is i += m. This changes the value of "i"