Create Class in C + +

Hello, I'm from Brazil.
I have to create a class in C + +.
I already have the code ready in Delphi, how can I convert the code into C + +?

--------Code in Delphi, like turning in C + +?----------------------

TChartCell = class(TInterfacedPersistent, ICellGraphic)
FChart: TAdvGDIPChart;
procedure SetChart(const Value: TAdvGDIPChart);
{ Interface }
procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas;R: TRect; Col,Row: integer; Selected: boolean; Grid: TAdvStringGrid);
function CellWidth: integer;
function CellHeight: integer;
function IsBackground: boolean;

constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Chart: TAdvGDIPChart read FChart write SetChart;
Anything my email is:
I'm Tryna thus more this completely wrong

class TExemplo_74 : public TForm
__published: // IDE-managed Components
TAdvStringGrid *AdvStringGrid1;
TButton *Button1;

class TchartCell

private: // User declarations

TAdvGDIPChart *FChart;
void __fastcall SetChart(const Value: TAdvGDIPChart);

public: // User declarations
__fastcall TExemplo_74(TComponent* Owner);
TInterface ICellGraphic;
void __fastcall Draw(TCanvas *Canvas , TRect &R, int ARow, int ACol, bool &Selected, TAdvStringGrid *Grid);
int CellWidth();
int CellHeight();
bool IsBackground();

constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Chart: TAdvGDIPChart read FChart write SetChart;


No, the code does not convert within Delphi IDE nor any other Borland one. Instead of the direct code translation there is for your convenience the linker option to generate C++ .obj
file for the compiling into an executable with a C++ compiler.
The .obj file may not be compatible with other compilers than
Borland ones.
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