Setting up my very first program.

I'm trying to teach myself c++. I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. Out of all the tutorials I have looked into, not a single one tells me how I should set it up. Like whether it is a win32 project or win32 console and so on. Simple little things I need to know/understand to get going.

I'm sure I will be able to go from there.
And need to know how to insert the part where I can write out the code.
Use an empty project. Add a .cpp file to it (the proper place would be under the "Source Files" filter/folder). Write your program in there and click the "play" button (or press F5) to compile and run.
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When you first get started, I'm assuming the tutorials you're using will stick entirely to console programs.
Just to be clear: Setup a Win32 Console Application, not a Win32.

You'll be sticking with the console for a long time, and you'll come to hate/love it with a passion ;)
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