Problem Using MSVC Express

Hello World!

I started teaching myself C++ a few months ago. I read tutorials on the Web and bought Stroustrup's 'Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++. I downloaded Visual C++ Express 2010 by Microsoft.

I have been doing the exercises in Stroustrup's book but ran into a problem with MSVC I would like to solve but haven't been able to. I followed the instructions in App. C of the book on how to open a new project. All went well for the first chapter. I did the same thing for the next chapter because I wanted the programs I wrote in each chapter kept separate. The first program I compiled failed with an error that seemed to say that I was trying to compile a file that already existed.

Not wanting spend hours sweating MS rather than C++, I went back to the prior project and was able to compile and run programs there. It seems that I am unable to save programs in that second project. In fact, I have difficulty saving different programs in the one project. I have been over-writing the same file name for each exercise. It seems that MSVC is naming files according to the project name rather than the name I give them.

I can't make heads or tails of the HELP facility in MSVC. I would like to have a separate project for each chapter and be able to save all programs I write for each exercise in a chapter. Can someone who knows MSVC Express tell me how to do that? Thanks very much!
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Well, what can i say? I also was using MS VS, but Ultimate edition, and if they are the same in projects managing then i can suggest for you just maybe something. If you want to concentrate on C++ rather on MS, you better download other ide(for eg. Code blocks is good), because MSVC express edition if for those who are professionals and want to try it before buying this product. I have seen large book on how to use Visual studio with more than 600 pages(or 800) :D . But if you still want to just Create project(New project ), and then just add items for it. Then if you want new project do another New project and add item for it.
I recommend you stick to VC++ Express. It's a fine IDE and it's very easy to use. It sounds like you're trying to keep more than one program inside the same project. But a project is meant to hold one program (one main()). When you want a new program, just create a new empty project and add .cpp and .h files as needed. For every project VC++ Express will create a folder named after it. The name of individual .cpp and .h files is entirely up to you.
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