memory leaks

this may sound dumb. but if i were to accidentally create a console app with a memory leak, dose that memory get de-allocated after the program is terminated or would running it permanently corrupt my ram?
You get the memory back when the program quits.
May I ask where on earth did you get the idea that it could corrupt your ram? Just curious...
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allot of references say memory leaks are dangerous and leave it at that. they don't say that it doesn't permanently affect your computer. and being the naive beginner, I assume the worst.
ok i just read a conceptual overview of .NET and Common language runtime on did not know it was watching out for me aside from converting managed code into machine readable code.
Probably a good thing to assume the worst.
It depends on Operating System(exactly on Memory Manager).
So some embedded systems doesn't care about memory de-allocation.
n8c wrote:
ok i just read a conceptual overview of .NET and Common language runtime on did not know it was watching out for me aside from converting managed code into machine readable code.

C++ is not a .NET language. There's no automatic garbage collection in C++.
but I'm using visual c++ and that dose target the common language runtime after its converted to MSIL. and has the befits of managed code.
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