So I've been reading many forums here about this subject.
I am doing this for a programming assignment that my teacher assigned us.
However, she says that we cannot use global variables, so I try to put a value in the second array in my function as:
int read(ifstream & inFile, string name[], double score[][6], int row)
but when I call it with the array that I am using in my main it is giving me an error saying "argument of type "double" is incompatible with parameter of type "double (*)[6]""
Thanks Furry Guy, that helped clarify a lot of things and gives me a better understanding of arrays, also the rows is for another part of my assignment that I am working on so no need to worry about that, Thank you
I constantly "Frankenstein" code to see if a certain code approach will work, so there are parts and pieces from previous tests throughout my test code.