Dynamic Multidimensional Arrays

Heya readers,

As stated, I want to get Multidimensional Arrays to with non-constant "lengths" (amount of store-able "variables"). I have tried using const_cast(), but without any success. I want to create a Tents-puzzle solver as a test of my skills, but I forgot how to make these..

unsigned short int** GameField;

More specifically, I want it to initialize 0 to all values upon initialization. I'd like to know how to define the "width" and "height" of my Field and how to access and append specific cells.

Thanks in advance,
I think this article has what you're looking for:
I knew it was something like that but just couldn't remember, thanks! :3
Just so you aren't wasting any time: the relevant bit of information is in the last post by Polter.
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