A Few Questions

I am currently making an address book on C++ and I have a few questions. Firstly, how can I use memory so that previously enter contacts are still in the address book when the program is reopened. Also, I there a way to make it so that every time the user selects the option to make a new contact, a new Person is created. I already tried making an array out of the Person class, but it didn't work.
Also, what do people think of Qt? It looks like a good program. http://qt.nokia.com/
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how can I use memory so that previously enter contacts are still in the address book when the program is reopened
You can't. You have to write information to the file system.
Use a vector rather than an array. That way you can easily increase the number of contacts at runtime. And like helios said if you want the program to remember the the contacts you need to write the info to a file and read the info from the info back from the file later.
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