I want to start learning programming

Hello people, I'm sorry if my English is bad.
I want to start learning developing games and softwares.
Could you help me by telling what preknowledge I need before starting and direct me how and what to learn and where?
Also, I'm wondering if the tutorial in this website is still good for 2019.
Thank you.
The tutorial here is good, but outdated. No C++14/C++17 material. I doubt it ever will be updated.

The Learn C++ tutorial is a better source if you want online resources:

can you tell us a bit more, what you already know?
Hello Narfiuse,

I hope you are doing well. There is a difference of opinion about how to start if you are not from a computer science background or you are just a newbie. I am telling what I have adopted, others' opinions may vary and I respect their opinions and that may help me as well.

How I started,
I just watched 25 lectures of C language, from youtube course "CS201". Its Virtual university's professor (Former MIT's). After that, I started Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). From the same forum on youtube. Along with this, I am doing practice from a pearson's book (C++ by toni Gadis). I found it really helpful for basic and start up.

After this, you may go for Data structure and Algorithm.

Hope this will help.

Furry Guy,

Thank you, I will learn from that website.


I know HTML 4 only.

shoaib yehya,

Thank you I will look in Youtube.

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ok. believe it or not any experience helps, even html.
you already know things from this that may not be obvious (like, you can edit and test, organize code, call code from another file, invoke library calls, and so on).

That said the above is the way to go..
- start a intro to programming in c++ course of some kind
- be sure it uses <string> in the early examples. if it uses char* or char[] for text strings, it is too old to use. You should see a string within the first 2-3 programs in any course, making this a good way to check the quality of the course.
- after you can do some simple programs from this, branch out into tools (data structures, design, and object oriented)
- after that, do c++ OOP in depth -- templates, inheritance and advanced syntax/concepts.
- from here you can probably start playing with popular libraries... gui tools, graphics tools, audio, networking, controller input, etc...

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