Example: Enter a letter grade: a Grade range is 90 – 100
Enter a letter grade: B Grade range is 80 – 89 << this is my instruction
here is my code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
char Grade, A, a, b, B;
cout<<setw(5)<< "Grade" <<setw(15) << "Range" <<setw(15) << "Grade" <<setw(15) << "Range" <<endl;
cout<<setw(5)<< "A" <<setw(15) << "90 - 100" <<setw(15) << "D" <<setw(15) << "60 - 69" << endl;
cout<<setw(5)<< "B" <<setw(15) << "80 - 89" <<setw(15) << "F" <<setw(15) << "50 - 59" << endl;
cout<<setw(5)<< "C" <<setw(15) << "70 - 79"<<setw(15)<< "" << setw(15) << "" <<endl;
cout << "Enter a letter grade: ";
cin >> Grade;
if (Grade==a && Grade==A)
{ cout << "Grade range is 90 - 100 " << endl;
else if (Grade==b && Grade==B)
{cout << "Grade range is 80- 89 " << endl;
cout << "Invalid grade" << endl;
return 0;
showing the invalid grade at output
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Are you trying to write your own sqrt function or are you trying to use sqrt because if it’s the second one then just include <cmath> in the file.
This clause
5 sqrt(3)
is a problem. There's no multiplication operator, and it isn't implied in C++ as it is in math.
5 * sqrt(3)
That would do it.