Hello judyotham,
Thank you for using code tags.
As I understand this
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class UlamProgram
String name;
"name" is defined as a "public" variable. As such the whole program has access to it. As a public variable you could just as easily used a "struct" or "global variable" because this defeats the purpose of a "class".
On the other hand
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class ULAM
UlamProgram programs[10];
UlamScreen screen;
"programs" is a "private" variable to the class and only a member function of the class can access this variable.
The problem is not getting to "name", but needing a "get" function to access "programs" first. After that "name" is "public" and all you have to do is use its name.
Class "ULAM" should look something like:
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class ULAM
std::string GetName();
UlamProgram programs[10];
UlamScreen screen;
Then the function would be like:
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std::string ULAM::GetName(size_t index)
return programs[index].name;
I believe this should work, but I have not had a chance to test it yet.
Just a small thing you forgot, or missed, the semi-colon after the closing "}" of the class.
Hope that helps,