Trubble with VCpp express 2010

Hello i just started trying to learn Cpp but already in my start i get some realy frustrating errors when im only at the basic Hello World and Variables tutorials.

i use the basic

#include <iostream>

use namespace std;

cout <<"hello world!<< endl;

as the tutorial suggested and i get tons of errors ..i then copy paste from another tutorial that has some minor adjustments on the code and the code works fine..then i just remove everu bit of text undtill it looks identical too the one i have written and now even that works.

now im at varables

and have written

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int tempInt;
tempInt = 45;
cout <<"my variable tempInt = " <<tempInt<< endl;

and it worked too start with but later on refused and got tons of errors.
and the Command promt goes by so quickley i tried too make an EXE but VCpp just refuce too spit it out so i realy have any idea if it's printing what i need in the C-promt..
to be truthfull im completley lost and so far i have no idea hats going on and staring too get sick of it before i even started too learn enything.
int main()

using namespace std;


cout << "hello world!" << endl;
ah i just wrote wrong here on
using namespace..

im gona look upp theta in main and see if i it can work.. sint write in main because they didnt do it in the video..
thns for the answers so far i bet im gona turn upp here again very soon.
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