Why the programms doesn't works?
Jul 5, 2019 at 9:43pm UTC
I made little zodiak's signs finder(?) and it seens to be working but does nothing in command line. i used russian to get output, the strange symbols are zodiak signs starting from capricorn. Output is in the switch()
Where the mistake can be?
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main (void )
setlocale (LC_ALL, "Russian" );
ofstream datein ("dates.txt" );
datein << "15/10/1960" << endl;
datein << "21/08/1974" << endl;
datein << "26/02/1992" << endl;
datein << "18/10/1993" << endl;
datein << "10/07/2017" ;
ifstream dateout ("dates.txt" );
string strm;
getline (dateout, strm);
ofstream dateday ("days.txt" );
string strv;
while (!dateout.eof()) //days date file "writer"?
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
dateday << strv << endl;
ofstream datemonth ("months.txt" );
while (!dateout.eof()) //month date file "writer"?
for (int i=0+3; i<2+3; i++)
datemonth << strv << endl;
ifstream datedayr ("days.txt" );
ifstream datemonthr ("months.txt" );
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
string sd;
string sm;
getline (datemonthr, sm);
getline (datedayr, sd);
int days = atoi(sd.c_str());
int mont = atoi (sm.c_str());
switch (mont)
case 1:
if (days <= 19)
cout << "Êîçåðîã" << endl;
else if (days >= 20)
cout << "Âîäîëåé" << endl;
break ;
case 2:
if (days <= 18)
cout << "Âîäîëåé" << endl;
else if (days >= 19)
cout << "Ðûáû" << endl;
break ;
case 3:
if (days <= 20)
cout << "Ðûáû" << endl;
else if (days >= 21)
cout << "Îâåí" << endl;
break ;
case 4:
if (days <= 19)
cout << "Îâåí" << endl;
else if (days >= 20)
cout << "Òåëåö" << endl;
break ;
case 5:
if (days <= 20)
cout << "Òåëåö" << endl;
else if (days >= 21)
cout << "Áëèçíåöû" << endl;
break ;
case 6:
if (days <= 20)
cout << "Áëèçíåöû" << endl;
else if (days >= 21)
cout << "Ðàê" << endl;
break ;
case 7:
if (days <= 22)
cout << "Ðàê" << endl;
else if (days >= 23)
cout << "Ëåâ" << endl;
break ;
case 8:
if (days <= 22)
cout << "Ëåâ" << endl;
else if (days >= 23)
cout << "Äåâà" << endl;
break ;
case 9:
if (days <= 22)
cout << "Äåâà" << endl;
else if (days >= 23)
cout << "Âåñû" << endl;
break ;
case 10:
if (days <= 22)
cout << "Âåñû" << endl;
else if (days >= 23)
cout << "Ñêîðïèîí" << endl;
break ;
case 11:
if (days <= 21)
cout << "Ñêîðïèîí" << endl;
else if (days >= 22)
cout << "Ñòðåëåö" << endl;
break ;
case 12:
if (days <= 21)
cout << "Ñòðåëåö" << endl;
else if (days >= 22)
cout << "Êîçåðîã" << endl;
break ;
default :
cout << "ERROR" << endl;
break ;
Last edited on Jul 5, 2019 at 9:43pm UTC
Jul 6, 2019 at 10:20pm UTC
There's a much easier way to parse out the day and month from the file. Just use getline:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
main(void )
setlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian" );
ofstream dateout("dates.txt" );
dateout << "15/10/1960" << endl;
dateout << "21/08/1974" << endl;
dateout << "26/02/1992" << endl;
dateout << "18/10/1993" << endl;
dateout << "10/07/2017" ;
ifstream datein("dates.txt" );
string monthString, dayString, scratch;
while (getline(datein, dayString, '/' )) { // read until '/'
getline(datein, monthString, '/' );
getline(datein, scratch); // skip to end of line.
int days = stoi(dayString);
int mont = stoi(monthString);
switch (mont) {
case 1:
if (days <= 19)
cout << "Êîçåðîã" << endl;
else if (days >= 20)
cout << "Âîäîëåé" << endl;
break ;
case 2:
if (days <= 18)
cout << "Âîäîëåé" << endl;
else if (days >= 19)
cout << "Ðûáû" << endl;
break ;
case 3:
if (days <= 20)
cout << "Ðûáû" << endl;
else if (days >= 21)
cout << "Îâåí" << endl;
break ;
case 4:
if (days <= 19)
cout << "Îâåí" << endl;
else if (days >= 20)
cout << "Òåëåö" << endl;
break ;
case 5:
if (days <= 20)
cout << "Òåëåö" << endl;
else if (days >= 21)
cout << "Áëèçíåöû" << endl;
break ;
case 6:
if (days <= 20)
cout << "Áëèçíåöû" << endl;
else if (days >= 21)
cout << "Ðàê" << endl;
break ;
case 7:
if (days <= 22)
cout << "Ðàê" << endl;
else if (days >= 23)
cout << "Ëåâ" << endl;
break ;
case 8:
if (days <= 22)
cout << "Ëåâ" << endl;
else if (days >= 23)
cout << "Äåâà" << endl;
break ;
case 9:
if (days <= 22)
cout << "Äåâà" << endl;
else if (days >= 23)
cout << "Âåñû" << endl;
break ;
case 10:
if (days <= 22)
cout << "Âåñû" << endl;
else if (days >= 23)
cout << "Ñêîðïèîí" << endl;
break ;
case 11:
if (days <= 21)
cout << "Ñêîðïèîí" << endl;
else if (days >= 22)
cout << "Ñòðåëåö" << endl;
break ;
case 12:
if (days <= 21)
cout << "Ñòðåëåö" << endl;
else if (days >= 22)
cout << "Êîçåðîã" << endl;
break ;
default :
cout << "ERROR" << endl;
break ;
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