Install Borland compiler in wxDev C++

Hello, everyvone.
I wish programming in C++.
I have got wxDevC++ for IDE and GCC compiler. But I wish using wxDevC++ and Borland compiler (5.5). It is posible? How I do this
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Abandon this effort and download Visual C++ Express...
So it is not posible?
I seriously doubt it's possible. wxDevC++ is designed to pass commands to GCC.
And besides, Turbo C++ 5.5 is old. IINM it can't eve ngenerate 32-bit code. Why would you want to undo over ten years of progress in compiler technology?
Maybe he wants to use BGI. There's a DevPack for this if I'm not mistaken.
I wish working wit string. I have written a program without errors (using default GCC Compiler). But compiled program hasn't worked true. There is source of this program:

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main ()
char izbira;
string uime;
cout << "Kaj zelite narediti" << endl;
cout << "P-Ustvariti profil" << endl;
cout << "V-Vpisati se" << endl;
cout << "D-Prebrati dokumentacijo" << endl;
cin >> izbira;
if ((izbira=='p')||(izbira=='P'))
cout << "***KREIRANJE PROFILA***" << endl << endl;
cout << "Vnesite uporabnisko ime:" << endl;
fstream cfile ("ProgData.txt");
cfile >> uime;
cfile.close ();
cout << "Profil je bil uspešno ustvarjen!" << endl;
return 0;

* Pogram hasn't done yet. This is only a slice which must be working.

And now here is a source which must be compiled with borland compiler 5.5:

#include <fstream.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string>

int main ()
char izbira;
string uime;
cout << "Kaj zelite narediti" << endl;
cout << "P-Ustvariti profil" << endl;
cout << "V-Vpisati se" << endl;
cout << "D-Prebrati dokumentacijo" << endl;
cin >> izbira;
if ((izbira=='p')||(izbira=='P'))
cout << "***KREIRANJE PROFILA***" << endl << endl;
cout << "Vnesite uporabnisko ime:" << endl;
fstream cfile ("ProgData.txt");
cfile >> uime;
cfile.close ();
cout << "Profil je bil uspešno ustvarjen!" << endl;
return 0;

*Problem is how to compile this program with Borland compiler (without errors of course)
*In book which I learn C++ language are examples written on analogus mode. In book for compiling program using free Borland compiler.
I was try example from book just re-write and compiled with GCC compler. Program was compiled with one warnning. But program doesn't work still I rewrite example from book.
maybe you're missing a semicolon or there is some little error giving you only a warning.
Code:Blocks is a good C/C++ IDE, you can download the MinGW version from their website which comes with a compiler, so no messing around trying to link it all together.
Anon777 wrote:
I have written a program without errors (using default GCC Compiler).
But compiled program hasn't worked true.

What does it not do that you expect it to do?
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What does it not do that you expect it to do?

User must create a profile and he must insert user name. This user name should save to ProgData.txt file. For now just this!
Code:Blocks is a good C/C++ IDE, you can download the MinGW version from their website which comes with a compiler, so no messing around trying to link it all together.

wxDev C++ have Mingw type of compiliing to for default with GCC compiler.
code blocks is easy to use and has many templates for different types of c and c++ projects
I will try
Anon777 wrote:
User must create a profile and he must insert user name.
This user name should save to ProgData.txt file. For now just this!

(1) You don't ask the user to enter his name anywhere in your program
(2) This -> cfile >> uime; reads from the file. It doesn't write to it. Try cfile << uime;

Info on file i/o ->
m4ster r0shi:
I tried cfile << uime; but it doesn't work true. Tomorow I will try to build with tutorial which is here and I wil try to accustom on GCC Compiler. But I m not sure that this succeeded me.
Thank you everyvone which try to help me!
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