Group project, with different IDEs, and third-party libraries

Hello, i hope this to be the rigth forum for my question, anyway i wrote it here because i'm a beginner so this is the problem, im on a group project and in this project we are using OpenCV for the graphic interface, and i use open CV in CodeBlocks IDE 17.12, while they do it in Visual Studio Community 2019, on CodeBlocks i make console aplications, and they on VS make solutions, so when i get advences i can't build them or run them.

This is the tutorial i followed for instal open cv on codeblocks

All this is going on in windows.
So thanks in advance and have a good day.
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When working in a group project, the participants need to agree on a common set of tools everyone will use. Individual participants may choose to use different tools for their own work, under the implicit understanding that they'll handle the interoperability themselves. For example, if Alice and Bob are working on Windows and Carol works on Linux, when pulling code it's Carol's problem to fix the code if it doesn't work on Linux, and it's Carol's responsibility to ensure that the code she pushes works on Windows.

If you don't know how to convert back and forth between Visual Studio solutions and Code::Blocks project files, I suggest you just install Visual Studio.
Thank you helios, i'll keep it in mind for the next.
> we are using OpenCV for the graphic interface
opencv is used for image processing, not for GUI
for GUI you may use qt, wxwidgets, tcl/tk

perhaps you could ask the vs people to give you a makefile that you import in your codeblocks project
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