In your second realloc, you are assuming that matrix[i-1] will be NULL for the first call on that row. You should set it to NULL. (If the input pointer is an arbitrary value then realloc will fail and return NULL. The input pointer needs to be NULL the first time so that the first realloc call will act like a malloc.)
You aren't checking for eof correctly. It's the readLine function that will detect eof. The way you have it, when it detects eof you still continue with your loop body. Presumably readline returns NULL in case of eof.
And you aren't testing the return value of realloc for failure (NULL).
BTW, how will you know how many columns each row has? One method is to store a sentinel at the end of each row. 0, -1, or INT_MIN are natural choices, depending on your data.
Untested code. (I'm assuming you are writing this in C.)
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#define END_OF_ROW INT_MIN // INT_MIN is in <limits.h>
void *xrealloc(void *p, size_t sz) {
p = realloc(p, sz); // not bothering to save old value since
if (!p) { // we are just exiting anyway
return p;
int **read_matrix(FILE *in, int *count) {
int **matrix = NULL;
char *line;
int i = 1;
while ((line = readLine(in))) {
matrix = xrealloc(matrix, (size_t)i*sizeof(int *));
matrix[i - 1] = NULL;
char *pch = strtok(line, " ");
size_t j = 1;
while (pch != NULL) {
matrix[i - 1] = xrealloc(matrix[i - 1], j * sizeof(int));
matrix[i - 1][j - 1] = atoi(pch);
pch = strtok(NULL, " ");
matrix[i - 1] = xrealloc(matrix[i - 1], j * sizeof(int));
matrix[i - 1][j - 1] = END_OF_ROW;
*count = i;
return matrix;
It should be mentioned that this is a very inefficient way of extending an array! Normally it would be done by doubling (or maybe 150%) the current storage. This requires storing the current "capacity" along with the current "size" (elements that are in use).
If each row is supposed to have the same number of columns, then you can return the number of columns.
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int **read_matrix(FILE *in, int *rows, int *cols) {
int **matrix = NULL;
char *line;
int row = 0;
*cols = 0;
while ((line = readLine(in))) {
matrix = xrealloc(matrix, (size_t)row * sizeof *matrix);
matrix[row - 1] = NULL;
char *pch = strtok(line, " ");
int col = 0;
while (pch != NULL) {
matrix[row - 1] = xrealloc(matrix[row - 1], col * sizeof **matrix);
matrix[row - 1][col - 1] = atoi(pch);
pch = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (!*cols)
*cols = col;
else if (*cols != col) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad cols\n");
*rows = row;
return matrix;