expected unqualified-id before numeric constant

I am following this tutorial page:

But in Eclipse I am getting the error:
resource.h:1:20: error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant
#define IDR_MYMENU 101

What does this mean, and what can I do about it?
Post the full error text. The actual error probably occurs elsewhere, when the macro is expanded. (You're not trying to compile the .rc file as a .cpp file, are you?)
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Have you included resource.h twice in the same .cpp file?
I actually tried to compile the .rc as a .cpp file.
There is kind of a solution on
But adding the path to the Tool Settings | MinGW C++ Linker | Miscellaneous | Other Objects is giving me an error. Without this path my project is compiling, but the code from the resource.rc is not working runtime. How to proceed now?
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.rc files are compiled by a "resource compiler" program, not the C++ compiler. The standard resource compiler supplied by MS is called RC. I think that MinGW (which I think you are using) has a program called windres.

In Eclipse, there should be a "pre-build" step where you can add the call to windres. Also you need to add the "object" file that's created by windres to the linker, which I guess is what that "other objects" stuff is about.

The windres call will be something like this:
windres -i..\resources.rc -o..\resources.o
I don't know what relative path to use ( ..\ is just an example).
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