Hey everyone! I'm here to ask for a little help and/or direction on a C++ project for a class. Basically, the project is asking me to sort a bunch of data based off of a meter number (the project is taking the mask of a meter log type deal). I have a previous iteration of the code that fulfills necessary formulas and whatnot that are being asked for in the full summary, but I'm not sure how to start sorting the data. The file is reading numerical input from a text file. Is there a way to share a PDF to show what's being asked for?
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** WaterWorks Utilities Company PROPRIETARY DATA **
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Revision history:
2/4/19 --------------- Initial release
2/21/19 " " Revised the program so that it stores the requested information in a text file
3/29/19 " " Revised the program so that it reads information from a text file
4/30/19 " " Revised program to sort and order according to meter number
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
// Program variables
float totalGalUsage; // the total gallon usage for all three months
float avgGalUsageUser; // the average gallon usage per 3 months per meter
float avgGalUsageGeneral; // the product of the average water usage per square foot and the residence size
constfloat SQFOOTAVGUSAGE = 2.095; // the constant of the average water usage per square foot
// Variables neccesary to calculate summary values
double grandTotal = 0; // the grand total of all water usage across all meters
double avgConMeter; // the average water consumption per meter
double avgConMonth; // the water consumption per month
int i = 0; // a counter that counts the number of meters per program
// Opening MeterLog.txt in order to begin inputting its data
ifstream inputFile;
// If statement to verify that the input file was opened (if the file was opened, the program runs as normal)
if (inputFile.is_open())
// Declaring variables that will be inputted from file
int meterMonth; // the month displayed in the meter
int meterDay; // the day displayed in the meter
int meterYear; // the year displayed in the meter
int meterNumber; // the meter number
double residenceSize; // the residence size per meter
double galMonth1; // the gallon usage per month 1 per meter
double galMonth2; // the gallon usage per month 2 per meter
double galMonth3; // the gallon usage per month 3 per meter
// While the file is inputting values, the program will loop
while(inputFile >> meterMonth >> meterDay >> meterYear >> meterNumber >> residenceSize >> galMonth1 >> galMonth2 >> galMonth3)
// Calculation for total usage, user average, and general average
totalGalUsage = galMonth1 + galMonth2 + galMonth3;
avgGalUsageUser = totalGalUsage / 3;
avgGalUsageGeneral = ( residenceSize * SQFOOTAVGUSAGE );
// Calculation for the grand total located in the summary
grandTotal += totalGalUsage;
// Calculations for the summary values
avgConMeter = grandTotal / i;
avgConMonth = grandTotal / (i*3);
// Displaying the summary
cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " Summary " << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Grand Total Consumption: " << grandTotal << endl; // sum of total gallon usage
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Average Consumption Per Meter: " << avgConMeter << endl; // total gallon usage divided by number of reports
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Average Consumption Per Month: " << avgConMonth << endl; // total gallon usage divided by (number of reports, times 3)
// "else" if the input file fails to open
cout << "Error opening file";
// Closing the file
return 0;
Use one of the sort algorithms found in <algorithm>.
BTW, according to your legal block, you are breaking the terms of access by sharing it online. It appears to be a fake company; hence, fake legal block.
before you can sort data, you need something to sort.
you are reading the file, processing the data you found, and then throwing that data away. If you wanted to sort that data or something else, you need to store it so you have all the values in memory (a vector, an array, etc of the data, something like that).
that is, if you had in memory 3,2,1 you can sort that to 1,2,3. But if you read 3 into x, and then read 2 into x, and then read 1 into x, the 3 and 2 are gone, you can't sort that.