I'm really new to C++, mostly I'm trying to learn what I can from youtube for a spelling program I had in mind.
In the program, the computer says a word from a dictionary text file, the user types the word and the computer then checks to see whether it is correct or not.
What I don't know is how to include the libraries stated there (namely boost, stlsoft and Microsoft Speech SDK5). I know for sure I'm doing something wrong, when I try to find them in C::B's browse files to find the path to you're library, the folder I put them in is empty! I moved them there after discovering that when in that mode, my downloads folder was also empty.
So, this is probably a really, really stupid question, and I give my sincere apologies for that.
need to crawl before you can run a marathon..
start with boost. go to boost.org and download that one, and compile and run a couple of example programs with it. Once that works, get it to compile into your project (don't have to use much of it, just see if you can get it compiled and doing something simple, like using one of their types). Once that works, repeat for the other 2, adding to your project AFTER you get the libraries working on their own one by one with known good example code that should compile. Google where to download the latest of the other 2 once you have boost -- clearly microsoft's is at their site in their developer's area somewhere.
Thanks for the reply. So I've downloaded all three, I just need to know how to compile it. How do you include it (basics please).
I'll do what you say, start with small, example programs first. I'm feeling really ridiculous now though, and I know that this project was probably to difficult for me to start with.
boost is very complicated and you are going to have to follow the instructions on their site to compile it. All 3 may actually have compiled versions you can just use on their sites somewhere, if you want to look in that direction instead. Sorry... its the kind of thing you do once, and then every now and then you open that project, dump the latest version of the code in and rebuild it .. after the first time it is hands-off unless they do something very different on a new release.
I don't even know if that is the latest version, I just did a very quick google on what sort of things you need to be looking at and reading. I shamefully haven't used it in a while nor updated mine in a while. Meaning several years.