permenant headach 3

Pages: 12
Guys, come on. Let's not dogpile here.

I'll freely admit I'm an asshole. I said it earlier, I'm a cunt.
But the one who got emotional and started hurling insults was you.
I'm not going to call you a troll, I don't think you are one. But I've said before: grow thicker skin. Learn to take things in good humor. If my comment from before made you this angry, actual trolls will drive you crazy.

And like I said, ragequitting is your prerogative. No one is going to beg you to stay. But if you stay you need to be more civil than you've been here, otherwise things like this are going to keep happening.

EDIT: I don't want anyone to feel singled out about my dogpile comment, but if he feels we're all attacking him he can use it to play the victim.
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closed account (N8MNAqkS)
I am ok with criticism, once again going back to the first guy who replied, what he gave me was helpful and constructive criticism. What Helios posted was not criticism. It was some BS post about a typo. Woops big deal.

And I don't treat these forums as if people are getting paid to mentor me, i use the forums for what they are for, to ask questions and learn.

Also I deleted the original post in hopes people would stop responding.

Sry i feel the need to defend myself against BS attacks.

I just want to ask questions and learn and gain knowledge. Instead I keep getting shit for simple misunderstandings and typos.

At the risk of being too late...

Why should anyone else care about your code if you yourself don't care enough to spend the bare minimum of effort on it?

Notice that @helios's statement isn't an accusation. It's not about you. It's about the degree of polish in the stuff you produce, and there's useful information in it.

Consider reading .
Despite some significant flaws, it is still the best advice I can find about getting good technical help.

Maybe you'll decide to return later...
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You guys do know that you can change the name of repositories in github right?
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Pages: 12