Hello snoozycs1,
PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button), to the right of this box, when posting code.
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I found the second link to be the most help.
It is arduous to talk about code you have not included in your post.
You have defined
CustomerData cd[3];
as a global variable. You may think this is easy, but just as it is easy to use any line of code in the file can change a global variable and that can be hard to track down.
Suggestions: Define
CustomerData cd[3];
inside "main" and pass it to the functions that will need it. You will have better control over the array. Come up with a better name than "cd". Something like "customerData" or "custData" is easier to read and understand along with being more descriptive of what it is. in your array and for loops you hard code the number "3". Above the struct put
constexpr size_t MAXSIZE{ 3 };
. And when you define the array it would be
CustomerData cd[MAXSIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; ++i)
As you say
It doesn't make sense to add the details of three customers only in a program. |
But it dose make sence when yo are first writing the program and testing. Later you change the value of "MAXSIZE" and everywhere in the program where you have used "MAXSIZE" it will change, but you only have to make the change in one place.
size_t" should be a typedef for an "unsigned int".
If you can use a vector it would be a better choice over the array.
In your add customer function I would define "i" outside of the for loop and might call it something like "count" or "index". This way it will hold the total records entered. Later in the program it can be used to limit for loops to use the amount of the array used when you increase the size of the array. Not something you have to worry about with a vector.
In the "add' function instead of the second for loop to print the entire array delete the the second for loop and put the "cout" statements at the end of the first for loop and you will only print what you just entered.
A suggestion for the future when your array becomes larger:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
size_t index;
for (index = 0; index < MAXSIZE && accNo[0] != 'q'; ++index)
cout << "\n Customer Account Number: ";
cin >> cd[index].accNo;
if (std::tolower(cd[index].accNo[0]) == 'q') continue;
This way you have an out if your array is 50 or 100 in size and you do not need all of it. Also "index" will hold the number of records that were actually entered.
The function "std::tolower(...)" or "std::toupper(...) requires the header file "cctype" to work.
There are a few questions I have:
What does an account number look like?
What does a telephone number look like?
What does a Customer Connection Type look like?
What does a Customer Internet Connection Type look like?
I noticed you are using formatted input of "cin >> cd[i].custName" and "cin >> cd[i].custAddress". Given a customer name of "John Doe" the "cin >>" will extract from the input buffer up to the first white space putting "John" in "custName" and leaving "Doe" in the input buffer for the next "cin >>" to extract. Name address and maybe other variables would work better with "std::getline(...)" to get everything that was typed for the given variable.
In the above for loop I defined "index" out side of the for loop. This variable can either be returned to "main" for later use or passed by reference from main. Either way would work.
That is something to work on for now. I will load up what you have and see what else I can figure out.
Hope that helps,